Did you know the new AGTTM becomes effective across QLD from 1 December 2021. The team here at SITE Traffic have been working hard to keep our industry partners informed of the new guidelines and how they are used moving forward. From keeping up to date with the new publication releases to attending webinars on the harmonisation process and the future of temporary traffic management, we have you covered for all your Traffic Engineering needs!
SITE Traffic | Site Integrated Traffic Engineering
What does this mean for us? The new Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) has now been adopted for use across Australia. Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) have also released a harmonised Queensland Guide to Temporary Traffic Management in July 2021 (QGTTM), which is to be used as a supplement to the AGTTM for use throughout Queensland.
The AGTTM is designed to be read in conjunction with AS1742.3-2019 (MUTCD) in Queensland.
MUTCD – outlines signing, delineation, and use of traffic management devices for works on roads.
AGTTM - outlines planning, design, field works and support for temporary traffic management activities.
QGTTM – Supplement to AGTTM which outlines any amendments for use in QLD and also takes precedence over AGTTM in QLD.
Important Note: Austroads released version 1.1 of AGTTM in September 2021 which contains minor updates and has not been adopted by TMR. The QGTTM is aligned with version 1.0 of the AGTTM which continues to be the adopted standard in QLD.
Image source: State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads) – QLD MUTCD, November 2020
Some key changes include:
1. Road categorisation
Roads shall now be categorised to reflect their intensity of use (traffic volume), complexity (road type) and the risk (speed and mix of traffic) to associated TTM practices. Three general road categories are defined for the purpose of default categorisation:
Category 1 – Most urban Streets and lower volume rural roads
Category 2 – High volume roads
Category 3 – Expressways (high-volume and high-speed roads)
These categories form a broad framework for application by road controlling authorities to define road categories across the road network for the application of TTM practices. (See section 2 QGTTM part 8 for more details).
2. Changes to sign spacings – No more dimension ‘D’
Spacing for advanced warning signs are now determined using the potential travel speeds rather than the intended travel speeds. This is based off the assumption that vehicles are more likely to slow down to a reduced posted speed after they have passed the speed sign (see section 2.5 QGTTM part 3 for more details).
3. Configuration of multi message signs
There have been some changes to how we use multi-message signs. A few of the conditions that may differ from how these signs were used in the past include (see section 4.2 QLD MUTCD part 3 for more details):
There should be no more than 2 message panels consisting of words only
A blank retroreflective yellow panel shall be placed within any unused module of the frame so that all panels in the frame are filled
4. Use of portable traffic control devices (PTCDs) PTCDs should be used in lieu of traffic controllers using a STOP / SLOW bat on all roads with an annual average daily traffic (total vehicle count in both directions of travel per day) of over 500 vehicles per day and a speed limit of 70 km/h or greater (see section 5 of QGTTM Part 3 for more details). PTCDs used in Queensland shall be on the Transport and Main Roads ITS Approved Products list available on the departmental website. 5. Calculating queue lengths and advance warning of traffic controller stations Collision can occur when stationary queue extends past the advanced warning signage for stop locations where PTCDs or traffic controllers are positioned. To avoid this the estimated end of queue position is calculated and advanced warning signage is placed at the recommended distance from the predicted end of queue and not the PTCD or traffic controller position (see section 4 QGTTM part 3 for more details).
Overview of AGTTM Parts
Part 1: Introduction
Introduces the discipline of TTM practices
Relationship between the different parts of the guide
Legislative relationships
Part 2: Traffic Management Planning
Strategies and objectives to provide effective TTM
Guidance on the safety of workers and road users
Examples and key considerations for planning of TTM
Process for planning and documenting TTM
Part 3: Static Worksites
Design of TTM for static worksites
Process to decide what static worksite setup is appropriate to implement
Part 4: Mobile Works
Design of TTM for mobile works
Process to decide what mobile works setup is appropriate to implement
Part 5: Short Term Low Impact Worksites
Design of TTM for short term low impacts works
Process to decide what short term low impacts works setup is appropriate to implement
Part 6: Field Staff – Implementation and Operation
On-site risk assessment
Installation and removal of TTM schemes
Operation and monitoring of TTM schemes
Record keeping
Part 7: Traffic Controllers
Training competencies
Instructions on practices
Control devices that can be used
Part 8: Processes and Procedures
Road network classification
Roles and responsibilities
Forms and procedures
Model contract specification
Part 9: Sample Layouts
Examples layouts for multiple worksite conditions
Example staging plans
Works example for multi-stage project
Part 10: Supporting Guidance
Risk management processes
Review, inspection and road safety audits of worksites
Emergency works